Our hands move almost constantly. If we were to record the lines the hands draw back and forth, for example, on video, we would have an image of our being in the world.
--Vilem Flusser, Gestures

GESTURAL frequencies is the performance of insights from an interpretation and kinaesthetic analysis of gestures expressed in a dataset of design review feedback sessions video-recorded in engineering and design classrooms, studios and project spaces. The dataset was created for the 10th Annual Design Thinking Research Symposium as a common object of analysis for symposium participants. The relationship between kinaesthetics, gestural language and the physical configurations of the reviews were used by the choreographer to create a database of movement phrases that are combined and recombined as part of an improvisational dance score. Sonification of the movement captured by video in real time provides a soundscape and abstract visualization of repetition, stillness and interaction. Together, the choreographic explorations with the interactively generated sound and visual score produce an intentionally discordant experience that dislodges gestures of making and evaluation from their quotidian context. This hybrid practice emerging from artistic inquiry and interdisciplinary engagement creates a focal point for dialogue about practices in engineering and design education.

Artistic Directors:
Andrew Brightman, Holly Jaycox and Shannon McMullen

Andrew Brightman, Kathleen Hickey, Holly Jaycox, Renee Murray, Bryce Shaffer

Movement Score:
Holly Jaycox

Costume Design:
Shannon McMullen

Shannon McMullen

Fabian Winkler

A special thanks goes to Robin Adams for her support in realizing this performance as part of the International DTRS conference at Purdue University in October 2014.